Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pitting Cherries Tip

So I was stumbling around the internet.... or was it old magazines... and found a sweet tip. I honestly don't remember where I saw this or I would give them credit, but it is an amazingly simple idea. If you find yourself needing to pit cherries, but leave them whole, usually you need a fancy cherry pitter. They sell them at most home goods or kitchen supply stores and are about $15. The cheep alternative method to this is using an empty glass bottle and a chopstick. Below is a step by step I took on my camera phone.

You need a glass bottle, washed cherries, a chopstick, and a bowl for your finished cherries.

Place the stemless cherry stem side up in the opening of the bottle,

Push the narrow end of the chopstick through the cherry. The pit will go down into the bottle with most of the juice splatter. I would still wear an apron or old clothing to do this part.

Some of the Cherries were not as ripe as others and so the pit -loosely- stayed in the cherry. Run the chopstick through it in the bowl to be sure you get out any difficult pits.
Isn't that cool? When you are done throw away the bottle for easy clean up.Be sure to use a glass bottle and not a plastic one. The plastic will be too light and will buckle under any pressure you put on it.  Now get out there and snag some of the the last cherries this year and prep them to be used until they are back in season next year!